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Souvenir - * - ❤ Osaka okoshanse of ... * - Osaka tourist bureau official recognition❤

Souvenir - * - ❤ Osaka okoshanse of ... * - Osaka tourist bureau official recognition❤
Souvenir - * - ❤ Osaka okoshanse of ... * - Osaka tourist bureau official recognition❤
Souvenir - * - ❤ Osaka okoshanse of ... * - Osaka tourist bureau official recognition❤
Souvenir - * - ❤ Osaka okoshanse of ... * - Osaka tourist bureau official recognition❤
We adopt quinoa, soybean puff of super food,

It was fragrant and finished in texture that we did quickly.

Fruity fragrance of strawberry and cranberry

Please enjoy sen mitaokoshansenaradehano new texture white chocolate in this.

"We came to Osaka, and "we woke up, and "Osaka okoshanse" crossed" (traditional cake of high quality of Osaka) and yashanse" (dialect) and was born.

It is Osaka souvenir of Osaka tourist bureau official recognition made with wish of the town of Osaka revitalization.

#It is souvenir of Osaka tourist bureau official recognition.
#Governor of Osaka Prefecture, Mayor Osaka praise highly very much, too
#You can buy only in Osaka
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